86-135-50058478 Mon-Fri 09:00 - 17:00 No.9, Building 8. Hongguang yuan, Pidu District, Chengdu, China
+1 2223 4567 Mon-Fri 09:00 - 17:00 4th Avenue Kingston St. New York
+1 8887-3342 Mon-Fri 09:00 - 17:00 55th Floor Paulsson Bd. SF
ISO 9001:2008
The Best
Number #1

tungsten carbide nozzles for sand blasting

tungsten carbide nozzles for sand blasting
  • tungsten carbide nozzles for sand blasting
  • tungsten carbide nozzles for sand blasting

tungsten carbide nozzles for sand blasting

A very classic tungsten carbide nozzle for sand-blasting with a tapered inlet, it is also called venturi nozzle,the nozzle is mainly used for sand-blasting application like cleaning rust of large scale parts such as the surface of the ship. The nozzle has to be used with a jacket outside to protect human from getting hurt.


A very classic tungsten carbide nozzle for sand-blasting with a tapered inlet, it is also called venturi nozzle, the nozzle is mainly used for sand-blasting application like cleaning rust of large scale parts such as the surface of the ship. The nozzle has to be used with a jacket outside to protect human from getting hurt. The material of the jacket could be aluminum, rubber, nylon and so on.